Here are a few pointers . . .
- Do only full loads of laundry, and no multiple loads in one day.
- Get a water-saving shower head -- e.g. Water-Pik that allows you to shut-off flow at head for soaping up.
- Tell all your house guests the Gulf Islands toilet mantra: "if it's yellow, let it mellow . . ."
- Let your grass "go native" in our natural dry season; it bounces back in the fall.
- If you have a low-recovery well -- maybe this is the summer to finance and install a well-to-cistern-to-house system so you can slowly trickle fill a cistern to have a reservoir of water.
- Water the tender flowers and veggies in the early morning or late evening.
- Buy a well-watcher to monitor your well level if you've had a past history of it running dry.
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